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Financial Services & Insurance

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We love digging into the details of insurance contracts and all manner of financial arrangements.  Our lawyers have been handling disputes in the financial and insurance worlds for decades.

Our lawyers have represented a wide range of clients in financial-services litigation. Our experience with insurance-coverage and claim-measurement disputes, for example, goes back nearly 30 years. We enjoy this work because it often involves fascinating questions about either the meaning of words or how complicated business or technical processes operate. Our combination of backgrounds in the liberal arts and technical fields suits us well for this work, and our experience helps us give clients key advice efficiently.

One of our lawyers, Bob Gilbertson, has been listed for many years in Best Lawyers in America for Insurance Litigation. Our insurance practice involves property, CGL, auto, home, health, accident, life, and title insurance and includes coverage disputes, measurement disputes, and subrogation.

Representative examples

Financial Services

  • Obtained a favorable settlement on the federal-courthouse steps for a financial-services client that had brought claims against major national bank
  • Brought and resolved gift-annuity litigation against large brokerage firm on behalf of a smaller competitor

Coverage Disputes

  • Won summary judgment and Sixth Circuit affirmance in dispute over lost-income coverage after a major industrial fire
  • Won key rulings regarding geotechnical issues and then resolved major dispute over coverage for losses after major floods in Kansas City

Measurement Disputes

  • Handled $50 million+ claim-measurement dispute over cost to rebuild a Minnesota food-manufacturing plant destroyed by fire
  • Handled litigation involving the appropriate measure of coverage for tens of millions of dollars worth of corrosion damage after an ammonia leak


  • Brought and resolved multi-party action seeking flood-related damages to a major Iowa manufacturing plant
  • Brought and resolved tort claims arising out of contamination of medical equipment at a Michigan hospital